Mahesh Magar

ascend hikes

Mahesh Magar has been one of Ascend Hikes‘ most seasoned, knowledgeable, and laid-back tour leaders ever since we founded the organization. He has been involved in trekking and tourism in the Solukhumbu district since he was a young child.


Like many other Ascend Hikes employees, Mahesh Magar started his trekking career at the very bottom as a porter. He got knowledge of the requirements for leading a hike on the trails. After gaining experience, he transformed into a trip leader that is constantly cognizant of the needs of his crew.

He agrees with the company’s mission, which states that sustaining one’s own pleasure is essential to preserving the happiness of others. He belongs to the Ascend Hikes Trekking clan.

Mahesh Magar continues, “I learned a lot on the way from the feedback of my clients or rather guests.” The Ascend Hikes brand motto, “Happiness is the key,” nicely sums up Mahesh. Only those who are happy can make others happy. His friendly nature and thoughtful treatment of the AH team and clients astound us.

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